36 Red Roses Bouquet of Love


36 Red Roses Bouquet Of love! If one dozen roses don’t say enough, then 3 dozen of our finest red roses will be a lavish way to let them know how much you care. This extravagant bouquet features 36 delicate, long stem, Ecuadorian red roses & assorted greenery arranged together in a glass vase – which can be hand delivered to Downtown Chicago,to her doorstep in a heartbeat. Just give us a call and let us know what extras you would like to make this arrangement even more special.

This is three dozen long stem roses bouquet, is the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. When it comes to ordering premium long-stem roses Flowers by Diamond Treasures your luxury downtown Chicago florist

36 Red Roses Bouquet Of love!  If one dozen roses don’t say enough, then 3 dozen of our finest long stem red roses will be a lavish way to let them know how much you care. This extravagant bouquet features 36 delicate, long stem, Ecuadorian red roses & assorted greenery arranged together in a glass vase – which can be delivered to her doorstep in a heartbeat. Just give us a call and let us know what extras you would like to make this arrangement even more special.

This is three dozen long stem roses bouquet, is the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. When it comes to ordering premium long-stem roses Flowers by Diamond Treasures your luxury downtown Chicago florist


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