Candy Cane Rose Bouquet


Bring about the joy of Christmas with this Candy Cane Rose Bouquet. Fall in love with Two Dozen deep red, luscious roses and evergreen furnishings surrounded by a candy cane vase. Finish off with a brilliant red bow and this bouquet is just darling. This is the perfect Christmas bouquet to use as a festive centerpiece or give as a gift.


Candy Cane and Rose Bouquet” – Exclusively by Flowers By Diamonds Treasures**


Capture the enchanting spirit of Christmas with our “Candy Cane and Rose Bouquet,” a luxurious floral arrangement that is as delightful as it is elegant. This stunning bouquet showcases premium, velvety red roses, carefully selected for their rich color and flawless petals, perfectly symbolizing love and holiday cheer. Each rose is nestled among fresh evergreen accents, bringing the essence of winter into your home with their lush green hues and subtle fragrance.


What sets this bouquet apart is the charming candy-cane-inspired vase, crafted with real, sweet candy canes that not only add an authentic touch of holiday magic but can also be enjoyed as a festive treat. Wrapped in a luxurious satin ribbon, this vase not only enhances the visual appeal but also delights with its sweet, nostalgic charm. Perfect as a festive centerpiece or a thoughtful gift, this bouquet embodies the warmth and joy of the season.


Key Features:

Premium Red Roses:  Our roses are selected for their deep crimson color and luxurious feel, ensuring a bouquet that exudes elegance and sophistication.

Real, Edible Candy Cane Vase:  The vase is crafted from actual sweet candy canes, adding a festive touch that can be enjoyed as a delicious treat during the holiday season.

Festive Presentation: Beautifully accented with evergreen sprigs and tied with a satin ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for bringing the joy of Christmas into any setting.


This luxurious custom-designed bouquet is hand-delivered within the Chicagoland area, ensuring it arrives in perfect condition, ready to spread holiday cheer to your loved ones or to adorn your festive celebrations.


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