Classic One Dozen Roses


A hand-crafted bouquet of gorgeous red roses. The classic red roses are beyond wonderful and can be customized to your liking. Roses surrounded by baby’s breath and nestled into a custom vase to surprise and delight that special someone and  transforming yourself into the valiant hero of love in her eyes! “Available for to make the occasion great!

Classic One Dozen Roses. Make their heart skip a beat when you present our classic arrangement of one dozen red roses This striking presentation of the freshest long-stemmed red roses is specially arranged in a classic vase. A classic tradition of a dozen red roses shows you love them and appreciate that special someone. Order yours today. And transforming yourself into the valiant hero of love, whose every petal whispers tales of adoration and devotion.”
• One Dozen
• Glass Keepsake Vase
• Personalized Card


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