Splash Of Color Bouquet


Flowers by Diamonds Treasures is the best Downtown Chicago florist around. You will find this vivacious flower arrangement is quite literally full of life! A true garden of fresh flowers as vibrant as they come, this fantastic bouquet is perfect for any occasion. Bright orange roses and lilies, pink carnations, green cushion pompons, and purple daisy pompons complement purple iris and lush ruskus for a flower arrangement that will make a birthday or anniversary a day to remember. Add a stuffed bear or balloon for an extra special touch.

AnniversaryBirthdayCarnationsDaisiesFriendly FlowersGet Well SoonLiliesMothers DayRosesValentines Day


Flowers by Diamonds Treasures is the best Downtown Chicago florist around. You will find this vivacious flower arrangement is quite literally full of life! A true garden of fresh flowers as vibrant as they come, this fantastic bouquet is perfect for any occasion. Bright orange roses and lilies, pink carnations, green cushion pompons, and purple daisy pompons complement purple iris and lush ruskus for a flower arrangement that will make a birthday or anniversary a day to remember. Add a stuffed bear or balloon for an extra special touch.

Includes: , keepsake glass vase, & a FREE Personalized Message


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