Going Nuts Candy Bouquet


Going Nuts Candy Bouquet! Is filled with Snickers, Peanut M&M’s, Pay Day bars and more. Our Going Nuts candy bouquet is loaded with a variety of candy and nut filled or flavored treats. Most certainly there are lots to share but the real question is… will they?


Snickers, Peanut M&M’s, Pay Day bars and more. Our Going Nuts candy bouquet is loaded with a variety of candy and nut filled or flavored treats. Most certainly there are lots to share but the real question is… will they? You would be “nuts” to pass up this outstanding candy gift for that special occasion such as office birthdays, promotions, job well done not to mention how perfect they are for the grand kids for any occasion!

An assortment of Full Size and Fun Size candies. Individual stems may contain more than one piece of candy. Each gift is designed at the time of your order to ensure the freshest gift possible!


Handwritten Gift Message attached directly on gift Option to upgrade to Classic or Grand Presentation Call (630)768-4418 to upgrade.


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