Maximum M&M’s Candy Bouquet


Our Maximum M&M’s Candy Bouquet gift is totally the max! An assortment of one of America’s favorite candies is expertly arranged in this outstanding design. Our candy bouquets are a great gifting idea for kids and adults alike and have been known to cause friends and acquaintances to gather around to examine and beg for a bag of treats. Candy Bouquets are suitable for any special happy occasion and are sure to be consumed in their entirety!

Our Maximum M&M’s Candy Bouquet gift is totally the max! An assortment of one of America’s favorite candies is expertly arranged in this outstanding design. Our candy bouquets are a great gifting idea for kids and adults alike and have been known to cause friends and acquaintances to gather around to examine and beg for a bag of treats. Candy Bouquets are suitable for any special happy occasion and are sure to be consumed in their entirety!

An assortment of Full Size and Fun Size candies. Individual stems may contain more than one piece of candy. Each gift is designed at the time of your order to ensure the freshest gift possible!


Handwritten Gift Message attached directly on gift Option to upgrade to Classic or Grand Presentation Call (630)768-4418 to upgrade.


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