Red Rose and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet


This lovely bouquet comprising of the beautiful layers of red roses with delectable Ferrero Rocher chocolates in the middle is sure to bring a wonderful smile in a smooth manner. Treat your loved ones in the most amazing manner with this special bouquet. Hand delivered to that special someone in your life.

<h1>Red Rose and Ferrero Rocher Bouquet</h1>
This lovely bouquet comprising of the beautiful layers of red roses with delectable Ferrero Rocher chocolates in the middle is sure to bring a wonderful smile in such a smooth manner. Treat your dear loved ones in the most amazing manner with this special bouquet. This arrangement is able to be hand delivered to that special someone in your life.

Your Gift Contains:
Bouquet of Ferrero Rocher Chocolates (16 pieces)
16 Red Roses
Two Layer Paper Wrapping in Red
Red Ribbon Bow
Seasonal Fillers


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