Simply Pink Roses


These Simply Pink Roses arrangement from Flowers by Diamond’s Treasures is a luxurious pink rose bouquet specially made for your loved one. Nothing speaks of love so much as an arrangement of 25 of our luxurious towering, long stem beautiful Pink Roses. Standing at almost 3-feet-tall, this pink rose bouquet is sure to take her breath away and leave her heart with a long-lasting impression of your unfailing love for her.

These Simply Pink Roses arrangement from Flowers by Diamond’s Treasures is a luxurious pink rose bouquet specially made for your loved one. Nothing speaks of love so much as an arrangement of 25 of our luxurious towering, long stem beautiful Pink Roses. Standing at almost 3-feet-tall, this pink rose bouquet is sure to take her breath away and leave her heart with a long-lasting impression of your unfailing love for her.


Presented in a glass vase, hand delivered in water in our signature gift packaging with flower food and full care instructions.


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