Skittles Candy Bouquet


Skittles Candy Bouquet Is loaded with two of kids’ favorites, Skittles and Starburst candies are throughout this design. Of course, you do not need to be a kid in years… just at heart! Our Screaming Skittles candy gift is suitable for any happy occasion and looks good on office desks, dorm rooms and even the kitchen table at home. Celebrate with a new gift idea for your next occasion.

Skittles Candy Bouquet

Loaded with two of kids’ favorites, Skittles and Starburst candies are throughout this design. Of course, you do not need to be a kid in years… just at heart! Our Screaming Skittles candy gift is suitable for any happy occasion and looks good on office desks, dorm rooms and even the kitchen table at home. Celebrate with a new gift idea for your next occasion.

An assortment of Full Size and Fun Size candies. Individual stems may contain more than one piece of candy. Each gift is designed at the time of your order to ensure the freshest gift possible! Bouquets are designed both front and back Handwritten Gift Message attached directly on gift Option to upgrade to Classic or Grand Presentation Call (630)768-4418 to upgrade.

Every bouquet is truly a work of art and is professionally arranged by our award-winning designers. When purchasing our bouquet gifts, you should feel confident that you are sending a delicious and unique gift that has been expertly designed just for you. When comparing the value of the product inside our gifts to the cost spent, please remember that these gifts are quite labor intensive and a monetary value should be placed on the overall gift and not just the amount of product included.


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