Stunning Pink Lily Bouquet


Lilies are known for their graceful beauty and sweet fragrance. Surprise someone with our exquisite bouquet of star-shaped pink lilies to say whatever it is you are feeling inside without having to say a word. It is also the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day.


Lilies are known for their graceful beauty and sweet fragrance. Surprise someone with our exquisite bouquet of star-shaped pink lilies to say whatever it is you are feeling inside without having to say a word. It is also the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day.


Six fragrant pink lilies, featuring multiple blooms on each stem and accented with fresh greenery. Picked at their peak on our premier farms, flowers are shipped overnight to ensure freshness and arrive budding to provide lasting beauty and enjoyment

Includes: , keepsake glass vase, & a FREE Personalized Message


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