Timeless Traditions Bouquet


The Anniversary Timeless Traditions
This bouquet brings together roses, stock and carnations to create the perfect flower bouquet for your Mom on Mather’s Day Eye-catching lavender roses bloom brilliantly among fragrant purple stock, purple carnations, lavender mini carnations, green button poms and lush greens to make a flower arrangement that is set to impress at every turn. Presented in a designer lavender vase featuring hand cut accents, this mixed flower bouquet will be an exceptional way to convey your most heartfelt emotions on Mother ‘s Day, as well as any other special occasion.

The Anniversary Timeless Traditions
This bouquet brings together roses, stock and carnations to create the perfect flower bouquet for your Mom on Mather’s Day Eye-catching lavender roses bloom brilliantly among fragrant purple stock, purple carnations, lavender mini carnations, green button poms and lush greens to make a flower arrangement that is set to impress at every turn. Presented in a designer lavender vase featuring hand cut accents, this mixed flower bouquet will be an exceptional way to convey your most heartfelt emotions on Mother ‘s Day, as well as any other special occasion.


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